氏名: 伊藤 雅浩 (m06728)

論文題目: オンライン言語処理モデルにおける自己修復文の解析手法


I propose a method to cope with ill-formed uttarance on an on-line interpretation model, which processes input words incrementaly. From both computational and cognitive points of view, there seem to be a lot of benefits to process dialogue incrementaly. However, spontaneous speech includes so many disfluencies, but the speakers often correct disfluencies by themselves. This phenomena is what is called self-repair. The trouble is that it is required to make an interpretation again, when the speaker changed his/her intension or corrected his/her previous utterance. In order to realize the interpretation of self-repaired utterance incrementally, I analized syntactic characteristics of Japanese self-repairs. The analysis gave me an idea to interpret those utterances. According to my method, the system interprets input sentence by using three buffers; Noun Phrase buffer, Case buffer and Verb Phrase buffer. Each buffers has specific mechanisms to detect and correct self-repairs. As a result of the implementation of the method, I got satisfactory effect, which means that the system can detect and correct them at approximately 80% rate in all the self-repairs extracted from human dialogue corpus.
